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Touring Motor Gliders Association (TMGA)

LiFePo battery

Brian X

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  • 6 months later...

Yes. I talked with the EarthX people about it a couple of years ago and they weren't optimistic, even when using their certified batteries. A deeper look into their STC application list shows that of the approved models so far, none have batteries inside the engine compartment. I presume that the Feds, being super-conservative, are concerned about possible overheating. Hopefully, as more planes go lithium and experience is gained, this attitude changes.

Interestingly, Rotax is recently offering a lithium battery under their own branding and part number. They punt installation approval to the Manufacturer however, which is no help in our case ...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also spoke with EarthX last November. Our low numbers makes an STC too expensive per airplane. A field approval looks like the only recourse.

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