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  1. Richard Pearl

    2017 Fly-In Planning Underway

    We are in the process of planning the events for 2017. Here are some preliminary notes so you can place a hold on your calendars: 2017 East Coast Fly-In April 2016 saw the first TMGA East coast fly-in, hosted by Jim and Kathy Lee (USA Phoenix distributor). The response to the event was such that we decided to continue the fly–in on that coast. Jim and Kathy, however, decided to en-camp for Minden, NV as a permanent base of his Phoenix operation and, in true TMGA fashion, another TMGA’er stepped forward. We are pleased to announce that the 2017 East coast fly-in will be managed by Mike and Suzanne Schumann (new Phoenix owners). The event will be held in Naples, Florida Thursday March 30th through Sunday April 2nd. The timing was decided upon to coincide with both the Sun-N-Fun national fly-in and baseball spring training. The weather should be great, and Naples is a world-class destination. We’ll be arranging lots of non-flying things to do and we’re confident that we’ll again get a great banquet speaker. Stay tuned for details, but plan on coming for a great time. For non-USA TMGA’ers, there are major international airports within 100 miles of Naples so, think about making this fly-in as part of a great USA vacation. We’re only five months away from this fly-in, so get on the list by accessing the EVENTS tab on the website, then go to the 2017 East Coast sub-tab. 2017 Mid-America Fly-In At Minden this September the question was asked: why isn’t there a mid-country Fly-In. Since we didn’t have a good answer, we tasked the question-poser to come up with some ideas (no good deed goes unpunished)! It will most likely be held in the summer, so stay tuned for details. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please post them to: richard.pearl@motorgliders.org. 2017 Western Fly-In In 2017 we’ll continue the tradition of moving the western Fly-In around to new locations. Southern California TMGA’er Gabriel Cioffi (turbo Diamond) has volunteered to be the local “sparkplug”, with a proposed fly-in at Camarillo, California. This coastal airport in Ventura County – just north of Los Angeles – offers exceptional geographic beauty and many exciting places to fly to, and ground visit. At this point we’re thinking about late August or early September. Stay tuned.
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