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Found 5 results

  1. Steve Sliwa

    Fournier to Bavaria

    Version 1.0.0


    PIlot Magazine, February 1973 Article by John Barret John takes a trip to Bavaria in his RF-4.
  2. Steve Sliwa

    Fourier YouTube Video Collection

  3. Steve Sliwa

    Fournier Aerobatics

    Collin started by loading some Blue Voltige photos online. So I created an album for holding them, plus a category called aerobatics. Perhaps we can collect up some great videos too. You can insert them with the tool that looks like the film. You only need the link location and the embedding will be handled for you. Here is one of my favorites I spotted online with an Open-Cockpit Fournier doing aerobatics:
  4. Librarian

    Reference Material

    Online resources for the Fournier Motorgliders have been added to the Knowledgebase at: link
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